If you are the type who gets lost in the middle of a sea of options and do not know what to photograph, as I often do, here are 10 tips for photographing landscapes.
Landscape photography is a very popular genre and many novice photographers start their hobbies or studies in this niche and here they go
There is, however, more to it than just finding a beautiful place to photograph. Then you went out and took a lot of pictures of a beautiful place, then you get home and discover that not all of them came out well, now what?
10 tips for photographing landscapes
1 – Work the scene
One of the most common things to see is a novice photographer making his way towards the scene shooting without thinking about what he is photographing.
In contrast, more experienced photographers stop and think a little more before shooting like a machine gun. Without a doubt taking a few seconds to plan your photos is an essential thing, trying to see the photo ready before pressing the shutter button.
This will help you every time, not only in the photo in question, but also to be a better photographer, and to understand not only how light works more, but also how to compose your photos.
Work the scene, think from different angles, look for foreground and background objects.
Play with the colors, use whatever is at your disposal. This will ensure that your photos have something interesting to show.
2 – Lines and patterns
When in doubt about what to photograph, look for guidelines. This will help you find pictures hidden in unusual places. The guidelines have a lot of strength within a composition, and especially in landscape photography they are always present.
Fences and roads are usually very easy to find and will direct the viewer’s gaze straight to where you want him to look !.
Patterns also have very good compositional strength, and can be a great choice for your passage photographs. The patterns can be anywhere, on the ground, on the bark of trees, as these trees are planted. Some patterns can be fascinating.
3 – Time of day
Do not forget to also include in your planning the time when you will photograph, we know that some times are better than others. Depending on where you are on the planet, choosing the right time is very important to obtain good natural light.
We know that the magic hour, Golden hour, is a great option for those who like to photograph landscapes with natural light.
To using smartphones with system Android a great application option to stay always on the Golden Hour is this here :
With it you will never miss the good time of passing photos, for those who do not like to wake up too early, like me, shooting in the morning can be an effort!
During the midday with the sun at a glance you will have more work with the light, however it is a very interesting time if you want photography with a lot of contrast .
Here the tip is to map the times that will give you the climate you intend for your photographs and follow to photograph.
4 – Don’t forget the foreground
The foreground is often overlooked when shooting landscapes , but sometimes what is right in front of you is exactly what you need to make your images stronger.
Passage photographs can be more interesting if we add a plant, a trunk or a stone in the foreground.
Which will also create a story, a starting point in your image, making it much nicer.
5 – Learn from others
Without a doubt, one of the best things you can do is look at what other photographers are doing. Seeing how someone interprets a certain scenario will help you to evolve and better return your compositional techniques.
Start copying, yes copying, and then put everything you’ve learned to use, with your own identity! Don’t underestimate how much you can learn by copying what someone else has already done!
Of course, you don’t want to have a photo exactly like someone else’s, so use the “copy” technique just to learn how things work.
6 – Same place is different
Even if you have taken hundreds of photos in one place it does not mean that you have no more photos to take there.
Go to this place in a different season, and see how things can change dramatically. For example, in autumn, when the leaves start to fall and become more vivid colors.
This will give you a completely different photograph than one taken in high winter, where the leaves are already drier and some trees completely naked.
7 – Details are also landscapes
Many times you are looking for that perfect tree, or that beautiful hill or mountain and end up missing a lot of cool things.
Dry leaves on the ground, flowers and even branches can be great things to photograph.Do not forget this detail, after all it can also be considered landscape.
If you have a better macro lens at your disposal .
8 – Weapons for work
If you are thinking that you need a lot of things to go out and do great passing photographs, you are completely wrong. A camera and one or two lenses are already more than enough weapons for the job. Is that more tools equal more work options.
If you have a tripod he will be welcome to the team, especially if you have to take pictures with beautiful exposure. Be careful with the tripod, as many parks do not allow you to use them, at least without a prior request.
A wide-angle lens and a zoom lens, up to 200mm, will already make your beloved happy.
Things like ND, CPL, GND filters can be added to your kit later if you want.
9 – Tripod, for or against?
There is a big myth:
Landscape photographer only takes a picture with a tripod.
This may be a working pattern, but it is not an absolute truth. Everything will depend on what you are shooting, and how the scene will be exposed .
If you find that a tripod is useful for a particular scene, panoramic photos for example, make use of it. Have a good tripod, it will definitely help you, but don’t let it get in the way of your creative flow.
I always indicate that people learn to work with a tripod , as it can often save your photo. But, if you don’t feel the need to use it, don’t waste time assembling all the paraphernalia and go straight to the action.
10 – Search for history
Last but not least; look for the hidden story.
Often you will go to places where everything will look very boring and similar. Strive and look for options that tell a story, it will not always be under your nose.
Always try to do your best, don’t be ashamed and carry your backpack and equipment ready to do your next masterpiece.
Many places have hidden secrets, and it is very cool when you are one of the first to photograph such secrets!
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