In today’s tutorial you will see how easy it is to delete things in Lightroom Classic CC using the clone stamp or Spot Healing.
How to delete things delete things in Lightroom Classic CC
How to delete things delete things in Lightroom Classic CC
The Lightroom Classic CC has a very cool tool which is the CLONE STAMP, and with it you can disappear with objects, people and anything else, but knowing how to use it with precision takes some time. The same tool is present in Photoshop and has practically the same resource. If you need to work on small parts of your photo you don’t need to go to Photoshop to use Clone Stamp or Spot healing.
When it comes to many things to be removed from the photo, I recommend using Photoshop instead of Lightroom, as it is much more accurate and in this regard it is much lighter than Lightroom
In today’s video we are going to erase unwanted objects from a photo very simply, and you will see the whole process during the video at the top of the page, so click on play up there. And if you want to know more about using Lightroom just like a professional, be sure to check out this post series here .
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